We will create a safe space where everyone can contribute a lot with their presence. In circles, messages have an ennobling power, because we are all contributors. Also, the circle is a place where the presence of the energy of the Masters and Guides is closer to us.
We will create a safe space where everyone can contribute a lot with their presence.
In circles, messages have an ennobling power, because we are all contributors. Also, the circle is a place where the presence of the energy of the Masters and Guides is closer to us.
The meeting will take place once a week via Zoom (four times a month) and will last approximately 60 minutes each time. (4 x 60 minutes)
The exchange costs 90.00€
We will look at the dynamics of common cues, touch sacred truths and be connected for solutions for each of us for our better tomorrow. We will consult the Ascended Masters as well as the Guides and listen to the message, thus discovering new forgotten insights. The power and commitment of the message will support us and pave the way ahead. In this way, we can more easily begin to feel and believe the value of the depth of the message and its power in our circle community. You are invited to join us.
Povrnjeno moč, ki ti pripada dobiš nazaj k sebi. Življensko moč v tvoje roke.
Nastaviti notranji kompas za pot pred nami. Vedno bo poravnan s srčno namero in ljubeznijo v očeh.
Moč srca, ki odpira vsa vrata. Vedno povezan.
Zdravo telo, pretočno v harmoniji. Zdrav duh in srce.
Kaj vse v resnici smo zmožni in kaj vse nas čaka, da ponovno odkrijemo vse naše potencijale.
Ustvariti nove zdrave celice, polne življenske energije pripravljene na novo zaživeti.
Življenje je prelepo iskustvo, dovoli si ga obuditi iz spečega izvora v globoko srce. Sveta pot prebujanja, polno napoljena z darovi ljubeče milosti, je postala moja zvesta stalnica. Na poti zdravljenja in odkrivanja spomina sebe sem spoznal, da vse že imam v sebi in je čas, da se tega spomnim in zavem. Lemurijska in Galaktična družina ter Vnebovzeti Mojstri so me poklicali, da je čas, da začnem sidrati in širiti ta sveta sporočila naprej.